Introduces all types of HANNABACH classical guitar strings! Also explains their characteristics, differences, evaluations. And explains the colors of low-tension and high-tension strings


With a history of 150 years, HANNABACH offers a wide variety of strings. In this article, I have organized and summarized the model numbers of these HANNABACH strings. Note that this is limited to the strings for ordinary 6-string classical guitars only. I have also included the links to the reviews within this blog.

The following article summarizes the string reviews/impressions/information articles on this blog


First of all, an introduction to all types of HANNABACH classical guitar strings and how to identify their tension

HANNABACH’s current line-up is as follows:

Model NumberCharacteristics
815 Silver SpecialHANNABACH standard products
ExclusiveHANNABACH’s finest strings
725 Goldin / CarbonCarbon for treble strings, golden alloy “Goldin” for bass strings
600 Silver-PlatedRelatively reasonable strings
950 TitanylTitanium for treble strings
825 Pure Gold PlatedPure gold plating on bass strings
900 Silver 200High quality silver used for bass strings
728 Custom MadeBass strings have a long life
500 Student ClassicInexpensive series
800 Classic Guitar StringsThe origin of HANNABACH
1869New top quality strings

You can identify the tension of most strings by their color.

RedSuper high
YellowSuper low

However, there are some that do not follow this color rule, as there are occasional “medium high”.

Details of each product are given below.

815 Silver Special

The first is “815 Silver Special”, which is said to be HANNABACH’s best-selling product.

This series of strings is made to suit any purpose, any instrument, and any player.

The treble strings are nylon strings and the bass strings are silver-plated wound strings. This silver plating is said to be of high purity.

There are 5 types of tension:

ColorModel NumberTension
Red815 SHTSuper high
Blue815 HTHigh
Black815 MTMedium
Green815 LTLow
Yellow815 SLTSuper low

However, as I mentioned in the articles below, there seem to be only 2 types of treble strings. Super high/high seem to use the same treble strings in common, and medium/low/super low also seem to use the same treble strings in common.


“Exclusive” is the finest string in HANNABACH’s current line-up. Its price is high.

The treble strings are nylon for the 1st and 2nd strings, and titanium for the 3rd string. The bass strings use a core wire made of a new material, which is said to have higher stability and a longer life. The wound strings are also said to be wonderfully comfortable to play.

There are 2 types of tension:

ColorModel NumberTension

725 Goldin / Carbon

“725 Goldin / Carbon” comes with a set of yellow carbon strings for treble strings. It is said that their sound is softer than the ordinary carbon strings.

The bass strings are made of golden alloy “Goldin”. It is unknown whether gold is actually used, but nickel and cadmium are not used.

Many guitarists said, “They’re the best strings I’ve ever tried!”.

There is only 1 type of tension. By the way, the treble strings are also sold separately as the “Carbon” series.

600 Silver-Plated

This “600 Silver-Plated” series is sold as a relatively reasonable string among HANNABACH strings.

600 Silver-Plated strings are inexpensive, but they are handmade in Germany with high quality. The bass strings have an anti-corrosion coating to prevent rust.

The treble strings are nylon and the bass strings are silver-plated wound strings. There are 2 types of tension, medium and high. And they are only available as a complete set (not available as individual strings).

Review is given below:

950 Titanyl

This “950 Titanyl” series uses titanium for treble strings. The bass strings also have a long life.

There are 3 types of tension, but unlike the 815 series, there is no low tension type.

ColorModel NumberTension
Blue950 HTHigh
Dark blue950 MHTMedium high
Black950 MTMedium

825 Pure Gold Plated

This “825 Pure Gold Plated” uses pure gold to plate the bass strings. Gold does not rust, so it has a long life. In addition, gold is less likely to cause allergies, so it is recommended for people with metal allergies.

The treble strings are nylon.

There are 3 types of tension.

ColorModel NumberTension
Blue825 HTHigh
Black825 MTMedium
Green825 LTLow

900 Silver 200

The bass strings are plated with high quality silver, giving this “900 Silver 200” set a long life. The treble strings are nylon.

They are quite popular strings in Japan as well.

There are 2 types of tension. Compared to other strings, 900 Silver 200 has a unique color and tension.

ColorModel NumberTension
Gray900MLTMedium low
Purple900MHTMedium high

Review is given below:

728 Custom Made

This “728 Custom Made” set uses long-life bass strings. They are made with a new core wire and hard silver plating. The treble strings are nylon.

The cost is also reduced by using paper for packaging.

ColorModel NumberTension
Blue (Dark blue)728 HTHigh
Black728 MTMedium
Green728 LTLow

500 Student Classic Guitar Strings

“500 Student Classic Guitar Strings” is a series sold at a low price so that guitar learners can change strings without hesitation.

The treble strings are nylon and the bass strings are silver-plated wound strings.

There are 2 types of tension.

ColorModel NumberTension
Blue500 HTHigh
Black500 MTMedium

I’ve used it and reviewed it as follows:

800 Classic Guitar Strings

“800 Classic Guitar Strings” is said to be the string that led HANNABACH to specialize in classical guitar strings.

Like the 815 Silver Special, it has a lineup of 5 tension, although it does not appear to be sold in Japan.


“1869” is the flagship string, named after the year HANNABACH was founded.

The bass strings are double plated with pure silver and pure gold. The treble strings are also golden carbon strings, as golden as HYAKU-SHIKI in the Gundam series.

Check here for details:

Professional guitarist using HANNABACH

Professional classical guitarists who use HANNABACH strings are introduced in the following article.

Evaluations and reviews of HANNABACH strings

See the following article for evaluations and reviews of HANNABACH strings on this website.

HANNABACH has a lineup of various strings. You may find your favorite

In this way, HANNABACH offers a wide range of products. Its variety is even greater than that of Savarez and Pro‐Arte.

You may find your favorite strings by searching among them.
