Musical Instruments What would guitars and violins made from 5,000-year-ago wood sound like? Older woods are prized when making guitars and other musical instruments. But they are usually at most a century or such... 2023.07.05 Musical InstrumentsTrivia
Musical Instruments Guess what the most expensive classical guitars ever sold? I will introduce you to the most valuable instruments Classical guitars are generally less expensive than violins. However, some guitars have fetched very high prices. Here a... 2023.07.04 2023.07.05 Musical InstrumentsTrivia
Strings How to buy Hermann Hauser strings directly from the Hermann Hauser Workshop Hermann Hauser guitars are famous and popular not only in Japan but also around the world. They still have a great influ... 2023.06.26 2023.07.31 StringsTrivia
Trivia Guitar is No. 1 on the list of instruments that would make you popular if you could play it – 2022 survey In the guitar boom of old days, we heard that people were popular if they could play the guitar, and even today, the gui... 2022.02.17 Trivia
Guitar Supplies Can Apple Watch and other smartwatches help you play guitar and other instruments? Smartwatches were said to be the next big thing after smartphones, but they haven't become as popular as expected. Howev... 2022.02.17 2025.02.28 Guitar SuppliesTriviaTuner
Trivia The relationship between musical taste and personality is universal around the world – Maybe it’s true that many classical guitar players are calm and nice people Music is loved all over the world and people like different genres. According to one study, the relationship between mus... 2022.02.17 Trivia