Musical Instruments Guess what the most expensive classical guitars ever sold? I will introduce you to the most valuable instruments Classical guitars are generally less expensive than violins. However, some guitars have fetched very high prices. Here a... 2023.07.04 2023.07.05 Musical InstrumentsTrivia
Guitar case I bought the BAM Case, one of the most stylish guitar cases. I will review it A decade ago, classical guitar cases were all wooden and rugged in design. Today there is a wide range of options, some ... 2023.07.03 2023.08.21 Guitar caseGuitar Supplies
Guitar case Which one is better, the BAM Case or the Superlight Case? A guitarist who has used both cases compares them There are two main types of cases for classical guitars: the hard cases and the semi-hard cases. The most popular of the... 2023.06.29 Guitar caseGuitar Supplies
Strings How to buy Hermann Hauser strings directly from the Hermann Hauser Workshop Hermann Hauser guitars are famous and popular not only in Japan but also around the world. They still have a great influ... 2023.06.26 2023.07.31 StringsTrivia
ギター用品 「竹糸」使用で涼しいアームカバー「竹糸くん」を使ってみたのでレビュー~夏の暑い時期にぜひ使いたい クラシックギターを弾く際、塗装への影響を抑えたり腕を動かしやすくしたりする目的で右手にアームカバーをつけることが良くあります。ただ、肌が露出する暑いシーズンに使うものだけに、適当なものを使うと汗をかいてかゆくなることも。「たけしくん」は竹で... 2023.06.25 ギター用品練習
ギター用品 ジャバラ構造で楽譜4枚置きが簡単!キングジムの「カキコ」は楽譜の閲覧と書き込みが両立できる 楽器の演奏に欠かせない楽譜。長い曲だと1枚や2枚では収まらず、演奏の途中で譜めくりが必要になることもあります。また、しっかりとしたファイルに入れるとそのままでは書き込みができず、レッスンや練習の際にいちいち取り出して書き込みしなくてはならな... 2023.06.25 ギター用品楽譜/教則本練習